Saturday 6 December 2014

BB Plus 胶原蛋白

BB Plus是采用深海鱼油提炼。含添加黑葡萄精华。能够帮助修补皮肤胶原蛋白还有提供我们人体必须的氨基酸。黑葡萄还有抗养花和帮助对抗自由基。
BB Plus如何运作:
1. 修复 - 促进微型洁净,补充及修复受损或薄弱的胶原蛋白网络
2. 重建 - 通过抗氧化,可加强及保护胶原蛋白网络
3. 更新 - 促进新的胶原蛋白细胞的增生和生长
BB Plus is made from high quality fish collagen. And also contains of blackcurant juice. With Vitamin C to help antioxidant. It will protect face, body against UV & free radical damages
How BB Plus work:
1. Repair  - Promotes micro cleansing, replenishes collagen peptides to damage or weak collagen network
2. Rebuild  -  Strengthens and protects collagen network through antioxidant
3. Renew -  Promotes growth and production of new collagen cells

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